End of the application phase for ECN PhD Fellowships 2018
The call for applications for the second cohort of the ECN PhD Fellowship Program ended on January 14th, 2018. Thank you for submitting your work! We look forward to reading your application and will get back to you by the end of February.
Read more … End of the application phase for ECN PhD Fellowships 2018
Volker Haucke and Dietmar Schmitz elected new Members of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW)*
Die Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften hat im Rahmen ihrer Gremiensitzungen zum Einsteintag 2017 folgende Wissenschaftler als Ordentliche Mitglieder neu in die Akademie gewählt:
Alliance for Innovative Research and Teaching
The great challenges of our time cannot be resolved by one institution. Whether it is climate change, the threat of terrorism, or the opportunities and risks arising through digitization – the solution of complex, global problems and the search for answers to pressing social issues require the expertise of many specialists from different disciplines.
Bridging the gap in communication: researchers discover mechanism that allows rapid signal transmission between nerve cells
Researchers at Charité’s NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence have successfully identified the mechanism behind rapid signal transmission. Their work, which has been published in the current issue of Nature Neuroscience*, shows that bridging by a specific protein is responsible for this high speed of transmission.