
May 2024

Wednesday, 2024-05-01

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Thursday, 2024-05-02

From Pain to Suffering: Determining the Driving Factors of Burden and Disability in Chronic Pain

Festsaal, Luisenstr. 56, 10117 Berlin

Chronic pain is one of the most prevalent and disabling conditions worldwide. Despite the devastating impact that chronic pain can have in limiting quality of life, we still have not yet been able to provide effective strategies to alleviate its burdens and understand its nature from a scientific perspective. However, mounting evidence substantiates that persistent or recurrent pain does not neatly correspond to the suffering that accompanies it. Therefore, a promising strategy for future research is to focus less on the pain and more on the aspect of suffering itself. The aim of the proposed conference is to motivate this shift in debate, both theoretically and practically, and to prepare the ground to better understand the driving factors of the burden and disability in chronic pain. Addressing this challenge is a genuine interdisciplinary endeavour bringing together philosophers, quantitative and qualitative researchers, as well as clinical practitioners.

Register here!

9th European Synapse Meeting

Three days filled with symposia and discussions around all things related to synapses. The 9th ESM will be hosted by Campus Buch, home to the Leibniz-Forschungs-institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) and the Max Delbrück Center (MDC). Find out more and register here!

Thursday Morning Talk: Joshua B. Evans, “Creating Multi-Level Skill Hierarchies in Reinforcement Learning”

MAR 2.057

What is a useful skill hierarchy for an autonomous agent? In this talk, we will consider a possible answer based on a graphical representation of how the interaction between an agent and its environment may unfold. The proposed approach uses modularity maximisation as a central organising principle to expose the structure of the interaction graph at multiple levels of abstraction. The result is a collection of skills that operate at varying time scales, organised into a hierarchy, where skills that operate over longer time scales are composed of skills that operate over shorter time scales. The entire skill hierarchy is generated automatically, with no human intervention, including the skills themselves (their behaviour, when they can be called, and when they terminate) as well as the hierarchical dependency structure between them. In a wide range of environments, this approach generates skill hierarchies that are intuitively appealing and that considerably improve the learning performance agents given access to them.

Find out more here!

BUA Writing Café


Take the opportunity to regularly (every Thursday) devote time to your writing projects among peers. Write on your project in a group, alone or in tandems. An expert will be present for some time slots to answer questions and provide brief one-on-one consultations.

Register online here!

PI Lecture with Guillermo Gallego

MAR 2.057

More details to follow. This talk will take place in person at SCIoI (room 2.057). More information will be available here.

Berlin Stem Cell Club

Medizinische Biotechnologie TU Berlin TIB 13 B-B, 1st floor & online (Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 13355 Berlin)

The Berlin Stem Cell Club is THE regular stem cell event in town! Let's discuss science, meet and network, get closer.

The external speaker as well as the Berlin speaker are still to be anounced, but mark your calenders already!

Friday, 2024-05-03

8th Rare Disease Symposium: “Rethinking Rare”

KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG (Scharnhorststr. 3 10115 Berlin)

Symposium of the "Eva Luise und Horst Köhler Foundation" on Rare Diseases with keynotes, lectures and a panel discussion with Michael Hund (EB Research Partnership), Tobias Cantz (MHH) as well as Christopher Baum (Chair of the BIH Board of Directors) and Peter N. Robinson (Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Artificial Intelligence, BIH)  on the question of how future medicine can meet the special needs of those affected.

Find out more here!

Sunday, 2024-05-05

Das Exposé zur Dissertation

Dahlem Research School, room 004 (Hittorfstr. 16)

(NUR für Promovierende der FU aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften)

In diesem Workshop werden Anforderungen an Exposés für verschiedene Anlässe besprochen, sich mit dem Aufbau und Inhalt eines Exposés befasst sowie Tipps für das Schreiben eines gelungenen Proposals gegeben. Find out more here!

Monday, 2024-05-06

Design Thinking – innovative Lösungen für Ihren Forschungs- und Projektalltag

ZEWK, Fraunhoferstr. 33-36, Raum 1004

Tauchen Sie in die Denkweise eines Design Thinkers ein und entdecken Sie neue Ansätze zur Bewältigung komplexer Herausforderungen im wissenschaftlichen Kontext. Erfahren Sie, wie Design Thinking durch Empathie, Prototyping und nutzerzentriertes Denken neue Perspektiven eröffnet und innovative Lösungen hervorbringt. In interaktiven Praxiseinheiten erleben Sie die fördernde Wirkung von Design Thinking auf Zusammenarbeit und multidisziplinären Austausch. Lassen Sie sich in unseren zweitägigen Weiterbildungskurs inspirieren, wie Sie Design Thinking in Ihre Forschungs- und Verwaltungsprozesse oder Ihren Projektalltag integrieren und fachbereichsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit effizienter gestalten können.


Preparing for the Disputation

Humboldt Graduate School

Open to Doctoral Candidates within Berlin University Alliance

Register here!

The International Presentation: Speaking to Intercultural Audiences

ZEWK TU Berlin, Fraunhoferstraße 33-36, 10587 Berlin, Room 1005

Do you want to enhance your international presentation skills as a Postdoc? Learn from the best speakers around the world, unravel the story behind your project’s facts and figures, and gain professional feedback on your speech delivery. But there is even more to it: Learn how to communicate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Are you ready to engage with an interculturally diverse audience? This seminar is your gateway to mastering the art of captivating presentations in an international setting. We will focus on presentations, and on role plays with qualified feedback, complemented by content-related input quickies.

Register here

Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)

On the first Monday of every month at 11:00 a.m, the Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS) will meet to critically discuss relevant literature on RRI and diversity, paying particular attention to how these topics intersect, and the role of research assessment and its reform. Our aim is to provide participants with a sound knowledge of RRI and diversity by engaging with relevant evidence and concepts.

On May 6, 2024, 11:00 a.m. we will discuss:
Bernard, R., et al. 2020. “fiddle: a tool to combat publication bias by getting research out of the file drawer and into the scientific community” -

Meta-Research Methods: How to study something that has disappeared: Tracing research data repository shutdown


Speaker: Dorothea Strecker, Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Paper: Disappearing repositories: Taking an infrastructure perspective on the long-term availability of research data

Find out more here!

Tuesday, 2024-05-07

EMBO networking and information event

Hörsaalruine, Berlin Museum of Medical History (Charitéplatz 1)

This is a special information and networking session organized by EMBO and hosted by the Charité and Berlin Institute of Health. This session aims to provide PhD students and postdoctoral researchers with valuable insights into funding opportunities for life scientists in Germany. Participants will have the chance to attend presentations, engage in a Q&A session, and network with EMBO Members. Refreshments will be available throughout the event.
Attached please find the flyer for more information. Please register as soon as possible as seats are limited.
Wednesday, 2024-05-08

Digitale Fortbildungsakademie Schlaganfall


Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Dr. Nils Banthien

Thema: „Akuttherapie des Schlaganfalls: Rekanalisation & Lyse“

Referent/in: Prof. Dr. med. Christian Nolte (Oberarzt der Klinik für Neurologie, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

Anmeldung und Fragen: Geschäftsstelle Berliner Schlaganfall-Allianz e.V., Email-Adresse:

Die Teilnahme ist für Mitarbeitende der Mitgliedseinrichtungen der BSA/Mitarbeiter der Charité kostenfrei und für Externe kostenpflichtig (die Gebühr beträgt 50 € pro Veranstaltung); wir bitten um verbindliche Anmeldung über die o. g. Email-Adresse!

Das detaillierte Programm bzgl. der Veranstaltung entnehmen Sie bitte dem Flyer auf unserer Homepage:

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

BEMC: "Causal confusions correlate with casual conclusions”

Paul Ehrlich Hörsaal (Campus Charité Mitte) or online (Virchowweg 4)

Julia Rohrer from Leipzig University will give a talk entitled "Causal confusions correlate with casual conclusions”

"Correlation does not imply causation; some fields of research have taken this as a reason to teach causal inference primarily in the context of randomized experiments. This has led to some confusion about, for example, the purpose of prediction, and the utility of longitudinal data. In this talk, I will suggest that some of this may be strategic: Being ambiguous about the purpose of an analysis can be a way to have your cake and eat it too. I will discuss potential countermeasures, such as restructuring methods training and requiring transparency about estimands on the journal level."

Registration for
in-person attendance;
Registration for remote attendance via Zoom.

Berlin Brandenburger Epilepsie-Kolloquium

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Einstein-Saal, 5. OG (Jägerstr. 22/23, 10117 Berlin)

Wissenschaftliche Leitung/Organisation: Prof. Dr. Martin Holtkamp, Prof. Dr. Bettina Schmitz,

Prof. Dr. Hans-Beatus Straub

Titel: „Arzt-Patienten-Dialog: Die neuen Regeln zur Fahreigung“

Referentin: Ulrich Specht (Epilepsieklinik Mara, Bielefeld)

Die Veranstaltung ist durch die Ärztekammer Berlin mit 2 Fortbildungspunkten und durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Epileptologie mit 1 Punkt zertifiziert. (Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Martin Holtkamp:

Thursday, 2024-05-09

Decision Making: Conditions – Tools – Opportunities


Intuitively, you probably know more about yourself and others than you are aware of. Intuition can guide your decision making – but how to reconcile it with more analytic decision-making approaches? This course invites you to deliberately and critically explore your intuition, test new decision-making tools and share your experiences with other course participants. Being aware of your intuition is likely to help you in taking good private and professional decisions. Taking good decisions will save you energy, get you where you want to be and boost your motivation. During your work as a Postdoc, you may need to make difficult life choices, decide on a career path, and re-think the modes of your collegial interactions. Do you sometimes struggle with taking decisions or with finding the right mode of interaction? Would you like to change something, but you do not know how? Then this course is for you.

Register here

Monday, 2024-05-13

9th international conference on Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells

9th international conference on Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells SBMC 2024 on 13 – 15 May in the Paulinum, the resurrected intellectual and spiritual center of the University of Leipzig: “Translating Systems Medicine into the clinics”.
The aim is to bring together an interdisciplinary community of Molecular Biologists, Modelers and Clinicians to exchange expertise and provide ample opportunities for inspiring discussions!

Register here!

EMBO Workshop on Molecular Neurobiology

This is a workshop covering the latest breakthroughs in structural biology, biophysics, imaging, and biological models in neurobiology. Given its cross-disciplinary nature, this EMBO workshop presents a broad overview of the field and an insight into the latest technologies and results. It provides a space for learning, for forging new collaborations, and for presenting ideas that will contribute to the future of molecular neurobiology.
The workshop also presents an excellent opportunity for early-career scientists to present their work, with poster sessions and a large number of talks that will be selected from submitted abstracts.

Find out more here!

Datenvisualisierung: Gestaltung und Anwendung

ZEWK, Fraunhoferstr. 33-36, Raum 1005

In unserem heutigen digitalen Zeitalter fließt eine immense Menge an Informationen. Daten werden überall gesammelt und auf vielfältige Weise analysiert. Der Wissenschaft kommt hierbei eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Wie können Erkenntnisse aus Daten gewonnen und kommuniziert werden? Gute Visualisierung ist entscheidend um Erkenntnisse, Probleme und Lösungen klar zu kommunizieren. Eine gelungene Visualisierung ermöglicht nicht nur eine bessere Verständlichkeit, sondern eröffnet Forschenden auch neue Blickwinkel auf ihre eigenen Daten. Der Kurs zielt darauf ab, grundlegende Gestaltungsprinzipien und technische Fähigkeiten der Datenvisualisierung zu vermitteln. Es werden Fragen in Bezug auf eigene Daten beantwortet und Lösungen für dabei auftretende Probleme entwickelt. Darüber hinaus werden anhand von praktischen Beispielen  die Merkmale erfolgreicher Visualisierungen veranschaulicht und gezeigt, wie eine angemessene Gestaltung dabei hilft, Inhalte effektiver zu kommunizieren.


ReThink3R workshop

Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum

Charité 3R and the ReThink3R team invite you to this interactive ReThink 3R workshop. Think about new approaches regarding the 3Rs and figure out why their implementation in your daily research is sometimes challenging. By using Design Thinking methods, you will get an unbiased and playful approach to the 3Rs, you will find creative space to exchange experiences and to work on ways to further implement these principles. The courses are aimed at national and international Postdocs and doctoral students affiliated to any university. Find out more here!

Make Headway with your Research Paper – Writing Sessions for Postdocs

TU Berlin Erweiterungsbau Neubau, Straße des 17. Juni 145, Raum 323

This workshop aims to motivate postdoctoral researchers to move forward with their current article. Not only will we make use of the inspiring energy of writing together, but we will also profit from the pragmatic approach towards writing that leads to faster results. Apart from the writing sessions, there will be phases of input and group work, in which we discuss both the basics of the peer review and the question how to find regular writing times. Another central part will be the analysis of an article from your journal of choice. During the writing times, the trainer is available for a short coaching in a separate room.

Register here

Neuroimmunological Colloquium: Sebastian Torke

Dr. Sebastian Torke from the MDC Berlin will hold a talk about “BTK inhibitors in Multiple Sclerosis: a novel avenue for targeting active as well as progressive disease?“

Read more …

Tuesday, 2024-05-14

SFB 1315 Lecture Series: "Neural Replay, sharp wave ripples and cognition"

BCCN Berlin, Haus 6 - lecture hall 9 / online

The SFB Lecture Series is a monthly event hosting international researchers to hold talks about Memory and Cognition. See an overview of all the talks and details here!

Wednesday, 2024-05-15

ILAE School on Neuroimaging 2024

Potsdam / Online

A fascinating symposium about all things related to neuroimaging in Epilepsy. Find out everything you wanted to know in 4 days! All information can be found here!

Segerfalk Symposium 2024: Neuroepigenetics in Health and Disease

Segerfalk Lecture Hall, Biomedical Center, A10, Sölvegatan 17, Lund

Fascinating talks ranging from genomics, evolution, and ageing to neuroinflammation. The event is fully booked but you can sign up for the waitlest here!

The voice as a key working tool in science - Strategies for a strong, healthy and resilient voice for postdoctoral researchers

WBZ FU Berlin, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 13, 14195 Berlin, Room 109

Especially in the environment of postdoctoral research it is essential to highlight relevant outcomes of your individual research. At that point strong vocal expression is a key working tool for clear and convincing presentation of scientific work. To keep the voice strong and healthy over a long period of the career requires not only regular caring but most importantly to learn precise strategies in order to support vocal strength and resilience.

Register here

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Thursday, 2024-05-16

A short introduction to research data management


The event is aimed at researchers and teachers at Freie Universität Berlin who would like to get a first overview of the central aspects and fields of action of research data management. Find out more here!

Talk in the Cube: Sustainable Practices in Life Sciences

BerlinBioCube (Building 95) (Robert-Rössle-Str 10 13125 Berlin)

- Sustainable Innovations: How can life sciences drive positive change?

- Regulatory Landscape: Navigating evolving sustainability regulations.

- Risk Mitigation: Strategies to reduce costs and enhance value.

- Environmental Impact: Balancing growth with ecological responsibility.

Registration Read more

Friday, 2024-05-17

Wissenschaftsmanagement als Beruf? Arbeitswelt und Einstiegsoptionen


Das Wissenschaftsmanagement bietet zahlreiche attraktive Karrieremöglichkeiten an Universitäten und Hochschulen, in Forschungseinrichtungen, wissenschaftspolitischen Institutionen und Stiftungen. Aber wo in diesem facettenreichen Berufsfeld könnte der passende Job für mich sein?


Tuesday, 2024-05-21

11th Biennial Neuroscience Conference NEURIZONS 2024

NEURIZONS is a place where graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and principal investigators gather to listen to renowned speakers from various scientific fields and discuss a wide range of topics within the fascinating field of Neuroscience.

Read more …

Wednesday, 2024-05-22

Academic Choices – Non Academic Choices: Deciding between the two


In the years after completing their doctorate, many doctoral graduates are faced with the question of whether they want to stay in academia or whether they want to pursue a career outside academia. The question is not an easy one, especially because there are very few permanent positions available in academia in the long term. How can postdocs make a good decision here? What skills are in demand inside and outside academia? What can help to assess the prospects of success as realistically as possible? In this short online workshop, we will explore these questions and develop initial hypotheses against the background of the participants’ individual situations.

Register here

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Berliner Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie & Neurologie (BGPN)

Hörsaal der Alten Nervenklinik (Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin)

PROMOTIONSPREIS DER BGPN: Vorstellung der Promotionspreisträger 2024

Vorträge/Referenten: „Komorbide Depression bei körperlichen Erkrankungen: Epidemiologie, Mechanismen und Behandlung“ Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Christian Otte (Direktor der Klinik f. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Campus Benjamin-Franklin, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier:

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Stephan Köhler ( / Prof. Dr. Harald Prüß (

Für Erhalt der CME Punkte können Sie Herrn Prof. Köhler im Anschluss wieder Ihre FBN zukommen lassen.

Thursday, 2024-05-23

Brain Tumor Meeting 2024

Max Delbrück Communications Center (MDC.C) (Robert-Rössle-Str 10 13125 Berlin)

The Brain Tumor meeting is an open scientific forum organized to foster the development of multi-center, international and inter-disciplinary collaborations that will lead to a better understanding of the etiology, biology, outcomes and prevention of brain tumors.

Registration Read more

12th Brain Tumor Meeting 2024

Max Delbrück Communications Center (MDC.C) (Robert-Rössle-Str 10 13125 Berlin)

The 12th Brain Tumor Meeting will take place at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin (Germany) in 2024. The Brain Tumor meeting is an open scientific forum organized to foster the development of multi-center, international and inter-disciplinary collaborations that will lead to a better understanding of the etiology, biology, outcomes and prevention of brain tumors.

Further information

Friday, 2024-05-24

Meine Forschung und ihre gesellschaftliche Wirkung - Selbstreflexionen im Kontext von Transdisziplinarität

TU Berlin Erweiterungsbau Neubau, Straße des 17. Juni 145, Raum: 323

Wo stehe ich mit meiner Forschung – und wie kann ich mit dieser gesellschaftlichen Problemstellungen begegnen? Fragen, in welchem Verhältnis die eigene Forschung zur Gesellschaft steht, werden in der Postdoc-Phase immer wichtiger. Klarheit bringen ein transdisziplinärer Forschungsmodus und Methoden zur Reflexion. Lernen Sie diese im Workshop kennen und anwenden.


Saturday, 2024-05-25

4. NeuroIntensivmedizin-Tag der Charité

Ein ganzer Tag mit spannenden Studien, Leitlinien und Kontroversen der Neuro Intensivmedizin. Ein Fokus wird dabei auf Subarachnoidalblutungen und End-of-life care gelegt. Bitte melden Sie sich per Email an:

Monday, 2024-05-27

Introduction to Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis of Animal Studies

Through a mix of lectures and hands-on practical activities and tutorials, you will learn the major steps required to undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical animal studies. Find out more and register here!

Neuroimmunological Colloquium: Pablo Villoslada

Prof. Pablo Villoslada from Hospiatl del Mar (Barcelona, Spain) will hold a talk about “Computational biology and artificial inteligence approaches to MS, from genes to the clinical phenotype”.

Read more …

Tuesday, 2024-05-28

Wegweiser in die Industrie und Wirtschaft – Zwei wichtige Schritte zur ausgereiften Bewerbung


Der Wechsel von der Hochschulwelt in die freie Wirtschaft ist ein wichtiger und manchmal schwieriger Schritt. Dieses Grundlagen-Training hilft dabei überzeugende Bewerbungsunterlagen zu entwickeln. In diesem Seminar sprechen wir darüber, wie man Bewerbungsunterlagen optimal erstellt und an die jeweilige Stelle anpasst. Sie sehen Beispiele für Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und Bewerbungsfoto und erfahren, wie Sie Ihre Zeugnisse auswählen sollten. Wir loten Unterschiede zwischen modernem und traditionellen Bewerbungsstil aus und versuchen das Verständnis für die Zielpersonen zu vertiefen. Zusätzlich erfahren Sie, was Ihr Profil für Unternehmen ganz besonders interessant macht und Sie erhalten allgemeine Hinweise für Ihre Bewerbungsphase. Im zweiten Teil besprechen wir, wie man Stellenanzeigen richtig liest und interpretiert. Sie lernen typische Formulierungen kennen sowie die Unterteilung in Muss- und Kann-Kriterien einzuschätzen und die Kriterien zu priorisieren. Anhand eines Lebenslaufbeispiels wird anschließend erklärt, welchen Einfluss nicht erfüllte Anforderungen auf die Bewerbungschancen haben.


Material Crisis & Loss of Motivation During the Doctorate?

Dahlem Research School (Hittorffstr. 16, 14195 Berlin)

This event takes place in cooperation with Una Europa.

Register here!

Digitale Informationsreihe Schlaganfall - für Betroffene, Angehörige & Interessierte


Thema: „Selbsthilfe nach Schlaganfall – Was zeichnet sie aus und welche Wege gibt es? Was leistet die Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe?“

Referent: Stefan Stricker (Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe)

Die Veranstaltung findet digital über ZOOM statt. Die Anmeldedaten erhalten Sie auf Anfrage:

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Spenden sind willkommen.

Das detaillierte Programm bzgl. der Veranstaltung entnehmen Sie bitte dem Flyer auf unserer Homepage:

Wednesday, 2024-05-29

Brain Body Physiology Symposium

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

The 88th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium will focus on Brain Body Physiology. The Symposium will begin at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, May 29th, and end on Sunday, June 2nd with an evening banquet, and departures on Monday, June 3.

The Symposium will include nine oral sessions (invited speakers only) and two poster sessions (submitted abstracts) providing a current synthesis of the enormous progress in our understanding of brain-body physiology. The annual Dorcas Cummings lecture will take place on Saturday, June 1. Social events throughout the Symposium provide ample opportunity for informal interactions and will include a wine-and-cheese party, a picnic, cocktails, and a banquet on Sunday, June 2nd.

Find out more here!

Karrierestrategien auf dem Weg zur Professur: (Zukunfts- und) Karriereplanung für Postdocs

ZEWK TU Berlin, Fraunhofer Str. 33-36, 10587 Berlin, Raum FH 1004

Wer nach der Promotion den Weg der Wissenschaftskarriere weiterverfolgt, steht immer wieder vor der Frage: In der Wissenschaft bleiben oder gehen? In der Postdoc Phase ist es besonders wichtig, auch früh Karriere relevante Entscheidungen zu treffen, um eigene Weichen auf dem weiteren Weg zur Professur oder/für alternative Karrierewege innerhalb oder außerhalb des Hochschulsystems zu stellen. (Zukunfts- und) Karriereplanung ist dabei hilfreich, die eigene Vision einer auch künftig zufriedenstellenden Arbeit (weiter) zu entwickeln, die eigenen Stärken und Wünsche zu fokussieren, um die anstehenden Entscheidungen oder sich zufällig ergebende beruflichen Optionen selbstreflektierter und zielbewusster einzuschätzen. Ein durchdachter Karriereplan unterstützt Postdocs auch, motiviert die anstehenden Herausforderungen, ihre wissenschaftliche Profilierung und Hürden zu managen und dabei die eigene Gesundheit und Life-Work-Balance nicht außer Acht zu lassen.


Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Thursday, 2024-05-30

Time Management 3: Overcoming Obstacles


Exchanging Experiences on Implementation Monthly, Weekly and Daily Planning During Your Doctorate.

Register here!

Distinguished Speaker Series: Asifa Majid (University of Oxford), “Establishing Human Universals”

MAR 2.057

Psychology, the “science of mental life”, aims to provide models and theories that apply universally. However, there is a growing concern that what we gather from studying humans in a particular place and time might not accurately reflect how humans behave in other contexts. This talk will consider how we can establish whether something is a psychological universal and provide examples of best practice, taking examples from the cross-cultural research of percepts and concepts. Find out more here!

Friday, 2024-05-31

MDC Seminar: Ian Duguid

Buch, historic lecture hall

An exciting seminar series hosted by the Max Delbrück Center! This talk will be held by Ian Duguid from the University of Edinburgh

Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

Get in touch

You can find contact persons and telephone numbers on our contact page

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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