
July 2024

Monday, 2024-07-01

Una Europa Summer School on “Sustainability in communication and education. Spreading the word and creating awareness”

This summer school aims to bring together doctoral candidates from different countries and different scientific backgrounds. Lectures, workshops and field trips will be offered by experts from the University of Bologna, FU Berlin, UCD Dublin, University of Helsinki, KU Leuven, Complutense University of Madrid. Find out more here!

Tuesday, 2024-07-02

Academic Choices – Achieving Success in Academia

Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstr. 56, 10117 Berlin, Room: 123

Many young academics choose a career in academia because they are passionate about their research topic and value the freedom in academia. The postdoc phase sets the course for success in academia. What are the paths to a professorship? How can this phase be structured so that the chances of success are as high as possible? What else is important besides enthusiasm for the subject? These questions will be addressed in this workshop so that each participant is clear about the next steps.

Register here

IFiF-Impulse: Innovative Frauen und ihre Vorbildfunktion

Laura Korock (Europa-Universität Flensburg) & Vivien Duntze (Hochschule Flensburg), IFiF-Projekt WINnovation

Das IFiF-Projekt WINnovation macht mit verschiedenen Formaten – z. B. einem Mentoringprogramm und Talks – innovative Frauen als Vorbilder sichtbar. Es bringt diese in den Austausch mit Schülerinnen, Studentinnen und berufstätigen Frauen, die inspiriert und auf ihrem Karriereweg begleitet werden. Begleitforschend untersucht das Projekt die Vorbildfunktion innovativer Frauen. Der Vortrag lädt dazu ein, tiefer in diese Thematik einzutauchen und die bedeutende Rolle weiblicher Vorbilder zu erkunden.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Wednesday, 2024-07-03

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Thursday, 2024-07-04

How to advance your research career and get funding

ZEWK TU Berlin, Fraunhofer Str. 33-36, 10587 Berlin, Raum FH 1005

Next stop: Principal Investigator. Prepare for a future research leadership position by making effective use of funding opportunities. Assess your current position, align your career aspirations with longer-term research goals and develop a roadmap to achieve them.

Register here

Friday, 2024-07-05

Self-care during your doctorate by Mental Wellbeing of Freie Universität Berlin

Dahlem Research School (Hittorffstr. 16, 14195 Berlin)

This event takes place in cooperation with the colleagues of the FU support.points and is part of the "Mental Health Awareness Weeks" at Freie Universität Berlin.

Register here!

Sunday, 2024-07-07

18th European School Neuroimmunology Course

Hasselt, Belgium

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the captivating world of neuroimmunology? The 18th ESNI (European School of Neuroimmunology) course is just around the corner, and it's poised to be an unforgettable experience!
Join us in the vibrant city of Hasselt, Belgium, from July 7th to 10th, 2024, for an enriching journey packed with invaluable lessons, dynamic technical sessions, and the unique opportunity to speed date your ideas and meet experts in the field. Register here!

Monday, 2024-07-08

"Navigating the shark tank". Power games and micropolitical competence in academia


Are you navigating the ‚shark tank‘, just trying to survive, do you feel like a ‚shark‘ yourself, or are you actually placed in a peaceful ‚goldfish pond‘? Concerning social interactions, research environ­ments may vary a great deal! This workshop series provides you important knowledge to grasp manifestations of the everyday uses of power in organiza­tions and the „games“ played in your own environment – and perhaps to navigate in more successful ways ....

Register here

Neuroimmunological Colloquium: Carsten Carlberg

Prof. Carsten Carlberg from the Institute of Biomedicine (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) will hold a talk about “Impact of the vitamin D response index for Multiple Sclerosis".

Read more …

Wednesday, 2024-07-10

Curious2024 Conference

The Curious Future Insight Conference brings together some of the World’s brightest scientists (also Nobel Laureates, Start-Ups, established Industries) and most accomplished innovators to present their work and explore the future of science and technology, solving the challenges of today and enabling the dreams of a better tomorrow. Find out mroe here!

What's next doc? by Research Division of Freie Universität Berlin

Dahlem Research School (Hittorffstr. 16, 14195 Berlin)

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

Thursday, 2024-07-11

Student/Postdoc-Run Speaker Series 2024: Neural Mechanisms of Psychedelic Drug Action

Institute of Theoretical Biology (Philippstr. 12, House 4, Lecture Hall 4)

On behalf of the Neural Mechanisms of Psychedelic Drug Action Group, Dr. Deborah Mash will give a talk titled "Ibogaine and Noribogaine: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential as Addiction Medicines" as part of the ongoing Student/Postdoc-Run Speaker Series (SPRSS).

Read more …

Monday, 2024-07-15

Birmingham-Leiden Summer School in Computational Social Cognition

University of Birmingham

This summer school provides talks and training on learning, decision-making and computational modelling in social cognition for early career researchers. The registration fee of £350 includes registration as well as accommodations and some of the meals. Find out more here!

Monday, 2024-07-22

Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour

A summer workshop covering a whole range of collective behaviour among various different species, accompanied by tutorials and finishing with independent projects. Find out more here and apply until April 5th, 2024!

Sunday, 2024-07-28

International Congress on Neuroethology

Henry Ford Building of the Freie Universität Berlin (Garystraße 35 14195 Berlin-Dahlem)

A thrilling congress showcasing the diversity of nervous systems across many different species. With a variety of symposia and talks, as well as networking opportunities, this congress is as diverse as the topics it discusses. Find out more and register here!

Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

Get in touch

You can find contact persons and telephone numbers on our contact page

Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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