2019-08-13 16:02
Edge is a newly registered association (eingetragener Verein) and invites all those interested to join Edge as members; you will be added to the organisational channel and invited to meetings.
To join, Edge requests a membership fee of €5-€10 to be paid either in person or to our EDGE bank account (in progress). Let the Edge-Team know if you’d like more information on this.
In September 2019 Edge continues their monthly workshops. This time on the theme of art therapy. Check out facebook or website for more information.

Exhibition at the CCO
The neuroscience art exhibition at the end of July was a wonderful blending of fields, and educational adventure full of beautiful works from talented people.
Four days of exhibition in 2 locations, works from 17 artists and groups displayed, more than 100 attendees, 50 pizzas…..
Check out the website for a photo recap of this event!