
February 2024

Monday, 2024-02-05

Neuroimmunology Colloquium

A new fascinating talk series discussing many facets of the relationship between the immune and nervous systems! Find details on individual talks here!

Thursday, 2024-02-15

200 Jahre Berliner Neurowissenschaften - ein Zwischenfazit

Urania Berlin (An d. Urania 17, 10787 Berlin)

In dieser Ausgabe der Reihe Berlin Brains diskutiert Dr. Jochen Müller die Fortschritte der neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung. Tickets und eine Zusammenfassung des Events finden Sie hier!

Wednesday, 2024-02-21

ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible

A BIH-QUEST and NeuroCure workshop to develop practical skills to work on better practices in your own research. Find out more and register here!

Friday, 2024-02-23

MDC Seminar: Brice Bathellier

Buch, Historic lecture hall

An exciting seminar series hosted by the Max Delbrück Center! This talk will be held by Brice Bathellier from the Institut de l'Audition of the Institut Pasteur, CNRS

BIH Lecture on AI in Precision Medicine


Peter N. Robinson, Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in AI of the BIH is holding a lecture on "Ontologies, Deep Phenotyping, and AI for Computational Precision Medicine" including a presentation of his plans for new research at the BIH!

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BCCN: Cortical Circuits For Learning and Behavior: Themes and Variation

BernsteinCenter (BCCN) Berlin (Philippstr. 13, Haus 6, 10115 Berlin - lecture hall 9)

Listen to a fascinating talk held by Jerry Chen from Boston University. Hosted by Robert Sachdev and Matthew Larkum.

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Monday, 2024-02-26

BIH: How To Analyze Institutional Promotion and Tenure Policies


Speaker: Erin McKiernan, Open Research Funders Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico

Paper: Use of the Journal Impact Factor in Academic Review, Promotion and Tenure

Wednesday, 2024-02-28

ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible

A BIH-QUEST and NeuroCure workshop to develop practical skills to work on better practices in your own research. Find out more and register here!

MDC: Technology and Training

MDC-BIMSB | Elsa Neumann room & ZOOM Webinar (Hannoversche Str. 28)

The Technology & Training event will feature two presentations of the Tandem Projects 2023 - Max Delbrück Center funded projects to ignite collaboration and foster implementation of novel technologies & methodologies in joint projects of technology platforms and research groups.

"Profiling and Analysis of RNA Modifications in Native RNA With Oxford Nanopore Sequencing in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)"

Bullinger Lab & Genomics Technology Platform

"Characterization of Altered Cell Populations in npas4l Mutant Zebrafish Tails"

Ohler Lab & Genomics Technology Platform

BUA Postdoc Academy: Correcting the Scientific Record


Professor Cyrus Mody will present the ERC Synergy Grant-funded project "Nanobubbles", which investigates the question of why it is so difficult to correct scientific records and how scientists deal with contradictory evidence.

Einstein in the Dome

Zeiss Großplanetarium (Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin)

Begegnung der dritten Art
Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft, Medien – jeder hat eine eigene Vorstellung von außerirdischem Leben. Wie sehr unterscheiden sich die Konzepte? Was sind die Chancen und Risiken bei der Entdeckung von außerirdischem Leben, die tatsächlich untersucht werden, und welche Auswirkungen kann die Entdeckung auf unsere Gesellschaft haben? Registrieren Sie sich hier!

Thursday, 2024-02-29

CSB Seminar: Practical Insights: Target Trial Emulation in Estimating Causal Effects of Stroke-related Interventions from Observational Data

The randomized trial is the preferred research design for determining the effectiveness of interventions in health research. However, such trials can be (too) expensive, ethically problematic, logistically impractical, or not fast enough. In situations where conducting a randomized trial is not feasible, researchers may turn to observational data to address similar questions.

In this interactive lunchtime seminar, Jess Rohmann will focus on practical elements of applying this framework using an example of rolling out a new mobile stroke unit service in a fictitious city. You will learn how to design a well-defined intervention and will be walked through how to develop a protocol for a target trial emulation study.

About the speaker: Jess Rohmann is an early career researcher in neuroepidemiology with strong interests in improving scientific practice, reforming research assessment, and creating a more constructive research culture. In her research and teaching activities, she seeks to promote the application of rigorous, modern methods in observational medical research. She formerly was Head of Epidemiology at the CSB and spent the last year working as the Scientific Strategic Advisor to the Scientific Director of the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin. In December 2023, Jess returned to the Charité working on the “Peerspectives” project at the Institute of Public Health.

Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

Get in touch

You can find contact persons and telephone numbers on our contact page

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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