

Tuesday, 2024-03-05

BUA Career Day 2024

Humboldt Graduate School (Luisenstr. 56, 10115 Berlin)

The next BUA Career Day will take place on Tuesday, March 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstr. 56, Berlin Mitte. It is aimed at PhD candidates from the natural and life sciences who are aiming for a career outside academia. More than 20 young professionals with doctorates from industry, consulting, NGOs and journalism/communication will report on their career paths and be available for discussion. More information and registration:

BUA Transfer School: Interactive workshop session: How innovation projects can be developed

AM12 (Hardenbergstraße 38, 10623 Berlin)

Have you achieved exciting research results and would like to apply them in the "real world"? Then a technology transfer project, either to validate your idea or to carry out joint research with a company, could be an option for you. Each form of funding has its own specific requirements, but most also have some basic aspects in common. In this workshop, we will identify your potential funding opportunity by analysing key factors such as the innovation potential, the match between problem and solution and the impact of your innovation.

Register here


Club of Difference and Distinction

TBD Charité Campus Mitte

The aim of the meeting is to bring together academics, researchers and other diversity enthusiasts to foster dialogue, share insights and explore potential collaborations. This event is an excellent opportunity to expand your academic network, engage in discussions on diversity issues and make contacts that may lead to future collaborations.

Read more …

BIH: Patient Monitoring Roundtable

BALTIC Berlin (Invalidenstr. 120 10115 Berlin)

The exchange between clinicians and industry is of paramount importance in shaping the future of patient monitoring. The Patient Monitoring Roundtable will provide a platform for collaborative, interdisciplinary and interprofessional work on new technologies. The goal is to work together on realistic solutions for clinical pain points in patient care. Find out more here!

Topic: "Gemeinsam zur Innovation: Partizipativ implementieren für ein digitales Gesundheitswesen" [in German]

Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

Get in touch

You can find contact persons and telephone numbers on our contact page

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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