
April 2024

Tuesday, 2024-03-12

Blick ins Unbekannte: Die Schönheit und Komplexität des Gehirns

Wissenschaftsetage Potsdam

Die Erforschung des Gehirns ist eine der größten Herausforderungen für die Wissenschaft. Und Dr. Rachel Lippert liebt Herausforderungen. Die gebürtige US-Amerikanerin leitet die Nachwuchsgruppe Neuronale Schaltkreise am Deutschen Institut für Ernährungsforschung in Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE). Zusammen mit ihrem Team will sie herausfinden, wie sich neuronale Schaltkreise innerhalb komplexer Netzwerke im Gehirn entwickeln. Hier betrachtet sie vor allem die Steuerung des Gleichgewichts von Kalorienzufuhr und Energieverbrauch im Gehirn, die sogenannte Energiehomöostase. Dafür schauen die Forschenden direkt ins Gehirn. Was sie dort zu sehen bekommen, ist faszinierend und mysteriös zugleich.

Die Ausstellung wird präsentiert von der NeuroCure Forscherin Dr. Rachel Lippert und ihrem Team. Der Startschuss fällt am 12. März um 14 Uhr, wenn die Forschenden ihre Galerie persönlich eröffnen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:

Thursday, 2024-04-04

Mental Health First Aid

Kursangebot MHFA (Mental Health First Aid) für Dozierende - Erste-Hilfe Kurs für psychische Gesundheit, FU Berlin

Zielgruppe: für alle Interessent*innen, die Lehrveranstaltungen anbieten (also z.B. auch Promovierende, die Seminare oder Übungen geben)

Weitere Informationen!


BUA Writing Café


Take the opportunity to regularly (every Thursday) devote time to your writing projects among peers. Write on your project in a group, alone or in tandems. An expert will be present for some time slots to answer questions and provide brief one-on-one consultations.

Register online here!

Friday, 2024-04-05

Mental Health: Resilience in International Transition for Academics Abroad


The stressors inherent in international transitions can make it feel harder to manage your research project successfully. Developing an understanding of typical transition stressors and building a toolkit of sustainable strategies to manage stress in transition can help you build resilience and cultivate work habits that support mental health. Find out more here!

Monday, 2024-04-08

Nanotechnologies for Healthcare: Bridging Life Science & Engineering Workshop

Kursraum 3, Forum 3, Charité Virchow Campus

Are you a researcher in Life Science or Engineering with an interest in cross-disciplinary research? Join a networking event designed for connecting with others in both fields and fostering collaborations in a friendly and approachable atmosphere. The goal is to facilitate collaborative research by providing topics where both communities can contribute and find common ground. The workshop holds particular significance for meeting Life Science community members in the context of the cutting-edge 'cell-to-internet' paradigm, where the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT) envisions a transformative connection between biological cells and the Internet. IoBNT aims to revolutionize biomedical technologies, advancing molecular communication, integrated systems, bio-nanosensors, and synthetic biology to enhance human health and quality of life. Register (for free) here!

BUA Postdoc Academy: Nanotechnologies for Healthcare: Bridging Life Science & Engineering

Charité Virchow Campus, Augustenburger Platz 1, room 3, Forum 3

Are you a Life Science or Engineering researcher interested in cross-disciplinary research? Join a networking event to connect with others in both fields and foster collaborations in a friendly and approachable atmosphere. Thegoal is to facilitate collaborative research by providing topics where both communities can contribute and find common ground.

The workshop holds particular significance to meeting Life Science community members in the context of the cutting-edge ’cell-to-internet’ paradigm, where the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT) envisions a transformative connection between biological cells and the Internet. IoBNT seeks to revolutionize biomedical technologies, advancing molecular communication, integrated systems, bio-nanosensors and synthetic biology to enhance human health and quality of life. Postdocs and professionals from both Life/Biomedical Sciences and Engineering are invited to this participating workshop where you can forge connections and build up networks; identify collaborations, joint projects and user cases; and learn new inspiring research topics from another discipline. Take your research to the next level! Participants will discover a workshop program with keynotes lectures on interdisciplinary work in biomedical engineering, project sessions on both technical and biomedical topics, panel discussion with experts, a relaxed poster session with drinks, a tailored networking session with small group work on networking strategies and even a coaching session on how to prepare cross-disciplinary grants and projects. You are also invited to actively present your research topic with a talk or poster to get into conversation with your colleagues from both fields. This workshop isn’t just about learning; it’s about actively engaging with the two communities and contributing to the collaborative spirit that may define the future of healthcare.

Charité 3R Curriculum

Charité Campus Mitte & Campus Virchow-Klinikum

Charité 3R offers its “3R Curriculum on Animal Ethics and the 3R Principle in Biomedical Research”. Find out more here!

Meta-Research Methods: Collecting data on non-indexed, predatory academic journals: Challenges of researching professional malfeasance


Speaker: Kyle Siler, Data, Equity and Policy Lab, University of Toronto

Paper: Predatory publishers latest scam: bootlegged and rebranded papers

Find out more here!

Tuesday, 2024-04-09

Seminar Syntophagy: Synaptic vesicle endocytosis: function and dysfunction at the presynapse

BCCN Berlin, Haus 6 - lecture hall 9 / online

Who: Prof. Dr. Mike Cousin, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Title: "Synaptic vesicle endocytosis: function and dysfunction at the presynapse"
Where: It will be a hybrid event in the BCCN lecture Hall in Berlin. You can also follow the lecture online.

Read more …

Wednesday, 2024-04-10

Neural Traces 2024

PTB Berlin

Neural Traces is an onsite, three-day workshop on methods in electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography (M/EEG) and their clinical applications. Find out more and register!

Charité - Digitale Fortbildungsakademie Schlaganfall

Dr. Veronika Angermüller, Oberärztin der Klinik für Neurologie und Stroke Unit, Vivantes Humboldt-Klinikum: "Stroke Update, relevante aktuelle Studien kompakt"

Anmeldung und Fragen: Geschäftsstelle Berliner Schlaganfall-Allianz e.V., Email-Adresse:
Die Teilnahme ist für Mitarbeitende der Mitgliedseinrichtungen der BSA/Mitarbeiter der Charité kostenfrei und für Externe kostenpflichtig (die Gebühr beträgt 50 € pro Veranstaltung); wir bitten um verbindliche Anmeldung über die o. g. Email-Adresse! Bei der Registrierungsstelle beruflich Pflegender können für die Veranstaltungen Fortbildungspunkte geltend gemacht werden.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Homepage!

BUA Postdoc Academy: The Serious Transfer Game

Play your way through the possibilities of technology transfer. Your research results are relevant for application, but the numerous options technology transfer are confusing - where should you start? What should you do? In this interactive and innovative game, you as a group take on the role of a research team that is familiarizing itself with technology transfer. With this game we hope to broaden your understanding of the career opportunities open to you. You will experience the various opportunities, added values and pitfalls in a technology transfer case, discuss these in your team and find solutions to ever new challenges. Learning takes place through guided dialogue with each other and "living through" real-life situations, which are introduced into the game. The game is based on an imaginary project, you do not do not need to bring your own project. The Game will be offered in German and in English.

Register now

The Serious Transfer Game is one of the modules at the Transfer School TU Berlin.  The Transfer School imparts basic and detailed knowledge on the practical implementation of technology transfer. Researchers from BUA partner institutions can take part in the Transfer School free of charge. Please find more information and links for registration to other offers of the Transfer School at the end of this newsletter.


BCCN lecture series

BCCN Berlin, Haus 6 - lecture hall 9 / online

An elephant study in convergent cognitive evolution and conservation. Find out more here!

Berlin-Brandenburger Epilepsie Kolloquium

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Einstein-Saal, 5. OG (Jägerstr. 22/23, 10117 Berlin)

Wissenschaftliche Leitung/Organisation: Prof. Dr. Martin Holtkamp, Prof. Dr. Bettina Schmitz,
Prof. Dr. Hans-Beatus Straub
Titel: „Neurostimulation“
Referentin: Andreas Schulze-Bonhage (Epilepsiezentrum, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg)

Die Veranstaltung ist durch die Ärztekammer Berlin mit 2 Fortbildungspunkten und durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Epileptologie mit 1 Punkt zertifiziert.
(Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Martin Holtkamp:

Thursday, 2024-04-11

BUA Writing Café


Take the opportunity to regularly (every Thursday) devote time to your writing projects among peers. Write on your project in a group, alone or in tandems. An expert will be present for some time slots to answer questions and provide brief one-on-one consultations.

Register online here!

Introduction to Science Communication and Public Engagement


Developing an understanding of typical transition stressors and building a toolkit of sustainable strategies to manage stress in transition can help you build resilience and cultivate work habits that support mental health. Find out more here!

Networking for Scientists: Building a Professional Relationship

Dahlem Research School, room 004 (Hittorfstr. 16)

Learn how to use the strengths that you have to successfully build a network, how and when to prioritize networking in the workplace, and what to do if you feel like networking just isn’t your thing. Find out more here!

The Art of Psychiatry

As of mid-April, we will be showcasing the thought-provoking artwork of our colleague Bilge Ugursu at MDC-BIMSB in Mitte. Bilge will talk about the interaction between her scientific and artistic endeavors. Prior registration is not required.
Bilge Ugursu is a scientist at the Susanne Wolf lab and an abstract artist. Focussing on figurative abstract expressionism, she incorporates mixed media in the majority of her artworks, which have been showcased in international art galleries since 2018. Further information

Talk im Cube: Drug Authorisations in Cancer Therapy

BerlinBioCube Campus Berlin-Buch (Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 13125 Berlin)

Lecture by the long-standing Chairman of the German Medical Association's Drug Commission and member of the Board of Directors of the EMA, Wolf-Dieter Ludwig. The new "Talk in the Cube" series, organized by the MDC's Glass Laboratory, brings business and science together on the Berlin-Buch Campus with the aim of bringing start-ups or life science companies closer. Find out more here!

Panel Discussion: "Die Medizin der Zukunft" at Futurium

Futurium Berlin

On the occasion of the fourth season of the TV series "Charité", key challenges and solutions for future medicine will be discussed by the invited speakers -  among them Claudia Langenberg (Professor of Computational Medicine, BIH). The event will be opened by Stefan Brandt (Director, Futurium) and Heyo K. Kroemer (CEO, Charité). Find out more here!

Friday, 2024-04-12

7. Internationales Schlaganfallsymposium

Kaiserin-Friedrich-Haus (Robert-Koch-Platz 7, 10115 Berlin)

Die Veranstaltung wird in Zusammenarbeit vom Kompetenznetz Schlaganfall und dem Centrum für Schlaganfallforschung Berlin ausgerichtet. Unter dem Motto Schlaganfall als Systemerkrankung sollen gemeinsam aktuelle Ergebnisse und Entwicklungen im Bereich der Pathogenese, Prävention und Rehabilitation des Schlaganfalls erörtert werden. Bitte über das Anmeldeformular registrieren! Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.

Exploring your career options in the German research and innovation system


What makes the German research landscape tick? As a postdoc, you bring with you many qualifications that you can use for your career in science, but also in business or other institutions. Find out which option you want to pursue for your next career step and get ready for the working world 4.0!

Register here

MDC: Music meets Science

Pianist Noelia Rodiles will play works by Haydn, Schubert and Liszt on the piano.
In her lecture, Dr. Uta Höpken (Max Delbrück Center) will report on "Designer immune cells against cancer".

The lecture will be in German. They can translate questions and answers on request. Find out more here!

Berlin Brains on Tour: "Dein Gehirn Hört immer zu"

Urania Berlin

Die Leichtigkeit, mit der unser Gehirn die Welt interpretiert, ist bisher von keiner Maschine erreicht worden. In den Nervenzellen treffen Signale über aktuelle Empfindungen auf Erwartungen, die auf erinnerten Ereignissen beruhen. Hören Sie genau hin, wenn Livia de Hoz und Carolin Gehr vom Neuroscience Research Center der Charité Universitätsmedizin anhand akustischer Beispiele zeigen, wie das Gehirn dabei relevante von irrelevanten Signalen unterscheidet und wie sich das auf unser Hörerlebnis auswirkt.
Moderation: Jochen Müller.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier!

Saturday, 2024-04-13

Frühjahrstagung der Berliner Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Neurologie (BGPN)

Hörsaal im Kaiserin-Friedrich-Haus (Robert-Koch-Platz 7, 10115 Berlin)

· „Konzepte der Palliativmedizin“ - Dr. med. Bettina Jürries (Klinik für Anästhesiologie m. S. operative Intensivmedizin, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
· „PalliativeCare in der Neurologie“ - PD Dr. med. Alexander Kowski (OA Klinik für Neurologie mit Experimenteller Neurologie, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
· „Palliativmedizinische Konzepte in der Psychiatrie“ - Dr. med. Anna Westermair (Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik u. Medizingeschichte/IBME, Universität Zürich)
· „Fragen der Palliativmedizin auf einer neurologischen Intensivstation“ - PD Dr. Benjamin Hotter (Klinik f. Neurologie mit Experimenteller Neurologie, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
· „Diamorphinbehandlung in Berlin“ - Dr. med. Thomas Peschel (niedergelassener Facharzt für Psychiatrie u. Psychotherapie, Leipzig)
Monday, 2024-04-15

MDC: Talking Biography: Sofia Forslund

Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) (Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str 2 10178 Berlin)

A networking event for female, trans*, inter* and non-binary scientists.

Sofia Kirke Forslund-Startceva trained as a molecular biotechnologist and bioinformatician in her native Sweden, expanding into microbiome data analysis during her post-doc years at EMBL Heidelberg. Working on health associations of the gut microbiome, its interactions with medications and on the propagation of antibiotic resistance genes, Sofia took up a junior group leader position at the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin in 2018, with her Host-Microbiome Factors in Cardiovascular Disease lab based at the Experimental and Clinical Research Centre (ECRC).

Her interest in DEI work in institutions reflect both her feminist convictions and her experiences as a neurodivergent LGBTQ++ individual living in nontraditional relationships.

Further information

Charité Management Lecture

Hörsaalruine der Charité (Charité Campus Mitte) (Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité Virchowweg 16, 10117 Berlin)

Die Bedeutung von klinischen Innovationen und Unternehmensgründungen durch die Universitätsmedizin hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich zugenommen. Diese Entwicklung zwingt Universitätskliniken, ihre Führungs- und Managementansätze entsprechend weiterzuentwickeln, um den neuen unternehmerischen Herausforderungen erfolgreich begegnen zu können. Für Führungskräfte und Mitarbeitende der Charité bedeutet dies, die Unternehmenskultur des Klinikums im Sinne von Fortschritt und Innovation proaktiv mitzugestalten.

Die Stiftung Charité und die Strategische Entwicklung der Charité laden Sie daher herzlich ein zur anstehenden Charité Management Lecture mit dem Thema Innovationen an der Charité – Wege zum Erfolg, mit Vorträgen von Prof. Dr. Eicke Latz und Dr. Markus Müschenich. Registrieren Sie sich hier!

Tuesday, 2024-04-16

Symposium:"Human Pluripotent Stem Cells - Past, Present and Future"

Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Ihnestr. 16-20 14195 Berlin)

The event will focus on recent progress but also on the challenges which remain to be addressed for delivering the clinical promises of human pluripotent stem cells. Experts from a diversity of fields will share their experience and the symposium will aim to facilitate interactions between participants. Many top-class speakers enrich the symposium, among them Fabian Bachinger (BIH) and Carla Frau (BIH). Find out more here!

Academia, Industry, and Beyond: Understanding the Postdoc in Germany and Exploring Potential Paths

Fraunhoferstraße 33-36, 10587 Berlin, FH 1005

This workshop is tailored for international researchers with PhDs aiming for or currently pursuing academic careers in Germany. It covers two main areas:

Understanding the German Academic System: Participants will learn about the structure and culture of German academia, including career paths, the role of committees, and essential knowledge about rights and responsibilities. It aims to demystify the German academic landscape, highlighting opportunities and necessary steps for a successful postdoctoral career.

Career Paths Beyond Postdoc: The workshop also addresses the challenges of career planning post-PhD, emphasizing self-awareness and career orientation. It explores personal motivations, skills, and strengths, and offers tools for mapping out future career paths, whether within academia, industry, or beyond. Participants will learn to evaluate their options based on their competencies and goals, preparing them for a smooth transition to their next career phase.

Register here

MDC: Nature journals meet Berlin life sciences

MDC-BIMSB | Elsa Neumann room 0.61 (Hannoversche Str. 28 10115 Berlin)

Publishing in prestigious journals is one of the most important, yet highly mysterious processes in science. Many myths exist about how to get a paper published in so-called high impact journals. In this event, we bring together editors from journals of the Nature press family with the Berlin life science community. Please register and join us if you are interested.

Fundamentals of Responsible Research

BIH QUEST Center (Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin)

The aim is to acquire fundamentals in good scientific practice with the focus on biomedical research and gain modern research competencies from your research idea and research question to a good scientific paper. In addition to content-related topics, you will learn everything about formal requirements, getting practical tips and get to know problem-solving strategies.

The course consists of 3 modules:
1. Before you start your thesis
2. Before you collect your data
3. Before you write up your thesis

Register here!

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Wednesday, 2024-04-17

BCCN PhD Lecture Series

BCCN Berlin, Haus 6 - lecture hall 9 (Philippstr. 13, Haus 6, 10115 Berlin - lecture hall 9)

Prof. Dr. Alan Akbik is the head of the Machine Learning Working Group which is based at the HU Berlin.

Title:  Evaluating the Factual Knowledge of Language Models

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Arbeitswerkzeug Stimme - Kompaktworkshop für eine starke Stimme im wissenschaftlichen Berufsalltag als Postdoc

WBZ FU Berlin, Otto-von-Simson-Straße 13, 14195 Berlin, Raum 109

Insbesondere in der Postdoc-Phase ist die Etablierung der eigenen Forschung zentral. Die Stimme ist dabei das wichtigste Werkzeug um Inhalte klar und überzeugend darzustellen. Im Verlauf einer langjährigen Karriere als Berufssprechende können Wissenschaftler*innen ihre gesunde und belastbare Stimme vor allem dann verlässlich nutzen, wenn sie ihre Stimme über die gesamte Zeit der Berufstätigkeit pflegen und die Tragfähigkeit und Belastbarkeit der eigenen Stimme unterstützen. Insbesondere als Postdoc mit besonderen eigenen Verantwortungsbereichen in Forschung und Lehre ist eine tragfähige und belastbare Stimme für die fachliche und persönliche Weiterentwicklung, vor allem hinsichtlich der Vorbereitung auf eine Professur, besonders wichtig. Anmeldung

BCCN Alumni Lecture Series: Katharina Wilmes & Frederic Roemschied

BCCN Berlin, Haus 6 - lecture hall 9 / online

Speaker: Katharina Wilmes, Universität Bern
Titel: Uncertainty-modulated prediction errors in cortical microcircuits

More info and abstract!

Speaker: Frederic Roemschied, European Neuroscience Institute, Göttingen
Titel: A novel framework for social learning in Drosophila

More info and abstract!

Join the online version of the talk here.

Thursday, 2024-04-18

Digital Technologies in Global Mental Health

In addition to various lectures and a panel discussion, several collaborative sessions are planned in which you can exchange ideas across disciplines, moderated and accompanied by experts - from machine learning in digital interventions to cultural adaptation to other contexts.  Simply apply via our website or send an email to

Good Scientific Practice in Natural and Life Sciences


Increase the Awareness for Good Scientific Practice; Integration of Good Scientific Practice into Daily Work; Prevent Problems; Encourage Problem Solving. Register here!

BUA Writing Café


Take the opportunity to regularly (every Thursday) devote time to your writing projects among peers. Write on your project in a group, alone or in tandems. An expert will be present for some time slots to answer questions and provide brief one-on-one consultations.

Register online here!

BCCN MSc Defense

Muthukumar Pandaram (MSc Computational Neuroscience, BCCN Berlin)

Title: Optimisation of the parameter space for deep brain stimulation fiber filtering across neuropsychiatric disorders

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andreas Horn & Prof. Dr. Stefan Haufe

Find out more here!

Friday, 2024-04-19

Feedback Resilience Workshop: Gaining back your wellbeing


Learn to navigate receiving and giving feedback in academia effectively and confidently. Participants will learn mindset, strategies, and tactics, to transform critical feedback into opportunities for growth. In interactive sessions, postdocs will gain the tools needed to not only survive but thrive in the competitive academic landscape. Working as postdoctoral researchers means working in a highly competitive, international, and hierarchical environment. One of the most frequently named stress factors in research is feedback: how it is delivered (or avoided), the messages it contains, and how difficult it often is both to receive and to give feedback. And yet, it is an essential part of research. Looking at concrete communication methods (based on Nonviolent Communication) as well as at psychosocial roots for our difficulties with feedback, this interactive workshop is designed to offer perspectives, tools and practice to make both giving and receiving feedback more effective and enjoyable.

Register here

NeuroPhaseClinic Seminar: "Molecular and cellular mechanisms of late endosomal autophagy-dependent unconventional secretion - importance in glioblastoma.”

Charité CrossOver Building, Room 04.003

Dr. Thierry Galli a professor and director at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris is holding a talk at the NeuroPhaseClinic seminar series on: "Molecular and cellular mechanisms of late endosomal autophagy-dependent unconventional secretion - importance in glioblastoma.
The Galli lab investigates the intricacies of the intracellular membrane trafficking in healthy and diseased brain:
Saturday, 2024-04-20

5. Reinickendorfer Epilepsieseminar

Wie in jedem Frühjahr möchten sind Sie sehr herzlich zum (analogen) Reinickendorfer Epilepsie- und EEG-Seminar eingeladen – mit spannenden Fallvignetten, klinisch relevanten Updates und einem EEG-Tutorial für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.

Monday, 2024-04-22

MDC Seminar: Mareike Albert

BIMSB, Large conference room

An exciting seminar series hosted by the Max Delbrück Center! This talk will be held by Mareike Albert from the Technical University Dresden.

IFiF-Impulse: Visibility Gap - Warum sich Wissenschaftlerinnen doppelt anstrengen müssen, um sichtbar zu sein

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Fischer & Stefanie Urchs, Hochschule München, IFiF-Projekt Prof:In Sicht

Sichtbarkeit ist in der Wissenschaft zu einem wertvollen Gut geworden. Es zeigen sich jedoch deutliche Unterschiede in Bezug auf das Geschlecht: gleiche Sichtbarkeitsanstrengungen führen nicht zwangsläufig zu gleicher Sichtbarkeit.

Das wirft Fragen auf: Wie findet die Herstellung von Sichtbarkeit statt? Mit welchen Hürden sind Frauen dabei konfrontiert? Welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten zeigen sich?

Finden Sie hier mehr heraus!

Tuesday, 2024-04-23

Aktive Patient*innenbeteiligung in der Gesundheitsforschung


Online training for the successful design of active engagement of patients, especially in clinical research. Offered by the Institut für qualifizierende Innovationsforschung & -beratung (IQIB), together with the BIH QUEST Center, the DLR Projekträger and the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfegruppen e.V.  Find out more here!

Academic Publishing for Postdocs: Strategy and Self-Marketing


This practice-oriented workshop develops the foundations of a successful academic publishing strategy for postdoc scholars. The participants will learn how to assess their research in the context of the scientific publishing market and develop a publication strategy in line with their individual career goals.

Register here

Wednesday, 2024-04-24

Mastering Journal Publication & Peer Review

Dahlem Research School, room 004 (Hittorfstr. 16)

Learn how to maximize the impact of journal articles and grant proposals and explore how to navigate the peer review and the broader publication process as well as what editors and reviewers expect from journal articles and grant proposals. Furthermore, learn how to deal with feedback and criticism in different cultures. Find out more!

Tag des Versuchstiers an der Charité

Auditorium des CCO

Während der Internationale Tag des Versuchstiers seit seiner Gründung 1962 als jährliche Erinnerung zur Abschaffung der Tierversuche verstanden wurde, möchten wir besonders an diesem Tag unseren Respekt gegenüber den Versuchstieren ausdrücken. Der Respekt vor dem Leben, das wir als FEM und als Forschende züchten, erhalten und schließlich auch beenden, muss unser ethischer Leitfaden im täglichen Arbeiten bleiben.

Read more …

GSCN Stem Cell Day - Dresden 2024

MPI-CBG Dresden (Pfotenhauerstr. 108 01307 Dresden)

Join the "GSCN on Tour" event in Dresden for talks, discussion and a reception. For everybody outside of Dresden – follow the Zoom link for an interesting hybrid afternoon! For everybody in Dresden: Join the meeting – it will be great to see, meet, discuss and get together at the reception. Find out more here!

Preclinical imaging course

Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC! You can find out more here!

(Un-)Vereinbar?! Mutterschaft im Wissenschaftsbetrieb

Gemeinsam mit Dr. Lena Eckert und Dr. Sarah Czerney vom Netzwerk Mutterschaft & Wissenschaft diskutieren wir über Konsequenzen von Mutterschaft für den wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsalltag und die Karriere, die Spezifik von Mutterschaft im Vergleich zu „Elternschaft“ oder „Sorgearbeit“ und darüber, was vor diesem Hintergrund „gute Arbeit“ im Wissenschaftsbetrieb heißen könnte. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich primär an wissenschaftliche und Verwaltungsangestellte des WZB, ist jedoch auch offen für Mitarbeitende anderer Wissenschaftseinrichtungen. Sie adressiert explizit Personen jeglichen Geschlechts. Wir schätzen die Teilnahme von Kindern.

Bitte melden Sie sich hier bis zum 21. April 2024 an.

Thursday, 2024-04-25

Neue Wege für Postdocs: Profilbildung für den Arbeitsmarkt

ZEWK TU Berlin, Fraunhoferstraße 33-36, 10587 Berlin, R. FH 1005

Wussten Sie schon, dass im Mittel aller Fächer nur 2% der Promovierten eine Professur bekommen? Aber: Welche beruflichen Alternativen gibt es neben der Wissenschaft? Entwickeln Sie erst Ihr Profil – und finden dann einen Job, der zu Ihnen passt. Sie sind Postdoktorand*in und fragen sich, welche beruflichen Alternativen es auf dem außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt gibt? Damit sind Sie nicht allein – die große Mehrheit der Promovierten verlässt die Wissenschaft. Promovierte sind sehr gut in den außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt integriert – die Frage ist nur: Welcher Job passt zu Ihnen?


SFB1315 Girls' Day 2024

Berlin Museum of Medical History (Virchowweg 17)

A campus tour and lab visit held by the SFB 1315 with short lectures held by scientists of the lab. Find out more and register here!

Career Day 2024


Look forward to panel discussions, networking opportunities and get in touch with renowned international companies from sectors like AI development, energy supply, industrial R&D, consulting, chemical industry, science management, the pharma industry and many more. You can choose one out of different workshops to best be prepared for your switch into industry! Further information

Girls' Day at the BIH 2024

The BIH has participated in Girls' Day for many years to give girls an insight into the work of female scientists and to introduce them to women in scientific leadership positions. With our BIH Girls' Day, we want to help show students that science can also be female and that there are very different women* who are scientists. Have a look at the different workshops!

MDC Girls' Day: IT Girls in der Biomedizin

Herzlich willkommen zum Girls‘ Day am Max Delbrück Center!

Die Azubis, Forscherinnen und IT-Fachfrauen zeigen Euch ihren Berufsalltag und erzählen Euch, warum sie ihren Beruf gewählt haben, wie ihr Weg dahin ausgesehen hat und was daran so cool ist. Einblicke in die biomedizinische Spitzenforschung gibt es natürlich auch.

Dieses Angebot ist ab Klassenstufe 8 (mind. 13 Jahre alt). Further information

BUA Writing Café


Take the opportunity to regularly (every Thursday) devote time to your writing projects among peers. Write on your project in a group, alone or in tandems. An expert will be present for some time slots to answer questions and provide brief one-on-one consultations.

Register online here!

Biochemistry/Biophysics Department Seminar

CCO Auditorium, Virchowweg 6 or online

Prof. Dr. Helge Ewers (Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry)

Title of his talk: “Optogenetic control of single molecules and adhesion-mediated endocytosis”

You can also join via Microsoft Teams here!

Friday, 2024-04-26

BIH Lecture: Clinical Trials of New Drugs: Do Patients Benefit from Participating in Clinical Trials?


Jonathan Kimmelman: “Clinical Trials of New Drugs: Do Patients Benefit from Participating in Clinical Trials?”

In his presentation, the James McGill Professor of Biomedical Ethics will parse various benefits trial participation might offer patients and present evidence his team has gathered. Kimmelman will identify key unresolved questions, and describe some of the moral and policy implications of his analysis of trial benefit. Find out more!

Monday, 2024-04-29

Neuroimmunological Colloquium: Shohreh Issazadeh

Hörsaal Pathologie, Virchowweg 14 (Hörsaal Pathologie, Virchowweg 14)

Prof. Shohreh Issazadeh will hold a talk about “FoxA1+Tregulatory cells, players in Multiple Sclerosis and NMOSD“.

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Tuesday, 2024-04-30

Charité - Digitale Fortbildungsakademie Schlaganfall

Dr. Frank Hamilton, Leitender Oberarzt der Klinik für Neurologie, Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum „Wie sieht die Akutversorgung des Schlaganfalls aus?“

Anmeldung und Fragen: Geschäftsstelle Berliner Schlaganfall-Allianz e.V., Email-Adresse:
Die Teilnahme ist für Mitarbeitende der Mitgliedseinrichtungen der BSA/Mitarbeiter der Charité kostenfrei und für Externe kostenpflichtig (die Gebühr beträgt 50 € pro Veranstaltung); wir bitten um verbindliche Anmeldung über die o. g. Email-Adresse! Bei der Registrierungsstelle beruflich Pflegender können für die Veranstaltungen Fortbildungspunkte geltend gemacht werden.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Homepage!

Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Postal Address

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

Campus Address

Charité Campus Mitte
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
Level 01, room 020

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